I hope this moment never ends!
Maybe life isn't so superfluous.
Staring out the windows of my mind.
Not really sure what I will find.
A thought
An idea
A memory
A dream
Maybe this isn't as hard as it seems.
Mike Deregowski |
Staring out the windows of a friend
I hope this moment never ends! Laughter Kindness Support Adventurous Maybe life isn't so superfluous. Staring out the windows of my mind. Not really sure what I will find. A thought An idea A memory A dream Maybe this isn't as hard as it seems.
I see you
Do you see me? Do you see the person I want me to be? My eyes are the wrong colour My stomachs to big My arms could be broader I could use a wig Why can't I see who I want to see? Why do you have to show me, me? I see you Do you see me? Don't you see the person I know you to be? You look like a superstar You are incredibly smart Apply yourself to anything and you will go far And never forget your giant heart Why can't you see who I see? Why can't I see me? Written By: Mike Deregowski I am done with you Death I am done with the pain you cause I am done with the unfairness of losing beings I love to you I am done with having to move on every time you decide to make yourself known You hide under your cloak like a coward You don't look at the agony in a person’s eyes after you are gone You lurk in the shadows waiting for your next opportunity to strike I am done with you Death I am done with you Human I am done with your whining and blaming me for your sorrow I am done being cursed whenever my job needs to be done I hide my grief under my cloak I hide my pain from having to pull away the being that loves you, knowing full well you will hate me I wish there was something I could do to make this process easier
All writing (c) Mike Deregowski - no reproduction in whole or in part unless written permission is received from the author.
Written By: Mike Deregowski I saw you I fell in love We meet We move on We laugh We have great times We get to know one another We move on You change You break away You rip my heart out You move on I wonder I get angry I accept what happened I move on We meet again We glance at each other We talk We move on All writing (c) Mike Deregowski - no reproduction in whole or in part unless written permission is received from the author.
All writing (c) Mike Deregowski - no reproduction in whole or in part unless written permission is received from the author.
Written By: Mike Deregowski Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust What once was loved Can never be lost In times of great sorrow In times of great pride I am always with you I am always by your side Although you can't see me I will always be there When your world gets too lonely When it is to much to bare Don't mourn in my absence Celebrate instead For the time we had together Is time we will never forget When you think of me with sadness And you shed a few tears I will stand there beside you And whisper "I love you" in your ears Though our time together is done And we are apart You will always be in my memory And hold a place in my heart What we had lives on in memory What we had holds true I will love you forever My love is never lost for you All writing (c) Mike Deregowski - no reproduction in whole or in part unless written permission is received from the author. |
AuthorBorn and raised in Edmonton AB, Mike is the youngest of three kids. As a child, he always had an active imagination and used it frequently. He enjoyed playing with building blocks and action figures, creating elaborate stories each time they were pulled out of the boxes. Archives
December 2015