Dust to dust
What once was loved
Can never be lost
In times of great sorrow
In times of great pride
I am always with you
I am always by your side
Although you can't see me
I will always be there
When your world gets too lonely
When it is to much to bare
Don't mourn in my absence
Celebrate instead
For the time we had together
Is time we will never forget
When you think of me with sadness
And you shed a few tears
I will stand there beside you
And whisper "I love you" in your ears
Though our time together is done
And we are apart
You will always be in my memory
And hold a place in my heart
What we had lives on in memory
What we had holds true
I will love you forever
My love is never lost for you
All writing (c) Mike Deregowski - no reproduction in whole or in part unless written permission is received from the author.