I am done with the pain you cause
I am done with the unfairness of losing
beings I love to you
I am done with having to move on every time
you decide to make yourself known
You hide under your cloak like a coward
You don't look at the agony in a person’s eyes
after you are gone
You lurk in the shadows
waiting for your next opportunity to strike
I am done with you Death
I am done with your whining and
blaming me for your sorrow
I am done being cursed whenever my
job needs to be done
I hide my grief under my cloak
I hide my pain from having to pull away
the being that loves you, knowing full
well you will hate me
I wish there was something I could do
to make this process easier
I understand you Death I understand your job isn't easy I understand the necessities of your function I understand, in time, my grief will go away and that my loved one isn't suffering anymore I understand you Death I understand you Human I understand you form emotional connections you know have to end, eventually, by my hand I understand your reluctance to let go of the one you loved I understand your need for closure I understand you Human | |